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The Arthroscopy Centre of the Beroun Rehabilitation Hospital is one of the best centres of its kind in the Czech Republic. In addition to the state-of-the-art instrumentation and a team of experienced specialists, the possibility to immediately start early and comprehensive post-operative rehabilitation is also important for patients.

Preoperative examination
Make an appointment phone 272 744 000

Arthroscopy Center

The centre currently uses five state-of-the-art operating rooms, whose equipment meets all the requirements for modern surgery and anaesthesia.

Annually, doctors perform more than 5,000 operations.

In the one-day department, patients have access to high-quality bed facilities with modern reclining beds, sanitary facilities, TV and internet access.


What is arthroscopy?

Arthroscopy is a procedure that looks inside the joint, at the condition of its mucous membranes, cartilage, ligaments, and in the case of the knee joint, at the menisci and other structures. No other examination method (X-ray, CT or MRI) allows such a view. It is a modern diagnostic and surgical method, allowing both accurate diagnosis and the performance of a number of procedures associated with treatment and reconstructive procedures for joint disorders.


What are the benefits of arthroscopy?

The great advantage of arthroscopy is that these procedures are performed from only centimeter-long incisions in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. It is therefore a minimally invasive surgery, which means a much gentler intervention into the tissue for the patient compared to the classic open surgery.

The gentleness of the procedure is then associated with less pain, much shorter healing time, no or minimal hospitalization time, shorter period of incapacity for work and significantly faster return to normal life, or even to sports.

The spectrum of interventions

meniscus surgery


cartilage transplantation


knee joint ligaments replacement


shoulder and elbow joint, ankle, hip surgery


surgery of other small joints


Experience with more than

80 thousand
surgical procedures

within the one-day care

Take a look at our facilities

We will provide you with a complete pre-operative examination


The safety of our patients is our complete priority! To provide you with maximum comfort and save time, we provide you with complete preoperative examinations within our clinics.

  • examination by a practitioner or internal physician
  • examination by magnetic resonance imaging or MRI
  • laboratory examination of blood and urine
  • anesthesiology examination
  • ECG examination
Make an appointment phone 272 744 000  
Make an appointment phone 272 744 000  
Providing a complete preoperative examination
Five peak-equipped operating theatres
Modern and minimally invasive surgical procedures
Maximum safety thanks to the connection to A&R and ICU
Sophisticated elimination of hospital-acquired infections
Highly erudite experts with many years of experience
The most modern European medical materials
Very professional and personal approach

For more simple procedures, we prefer modern and minimally invasive procedures that are so gentle that they do not require overnight hospitalization, and after a short bed rest, our patients go home for treatment.

as. MUDr. Zdeněk Kopečný
head physician of the Arthroscopy Center

Take a look at our Arthroscopy Center

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Patient health.